alarm-ringing ambulance angle2 archive arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right arrow-up at-sign baby baby2 bag binoculars book-open book2 bookmark2 bubble calendar-check calendar-empty camera2 cart chart-growth check chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up circle-minus circle city clapboard-play clipboard-empty clipboard-text clock clock2 cloud-download cloud-windy cloud clubs cog cross crown cube youtube diamond4 diamonds drop-crossed drop2 earth ellipsis envelope-open envelope exclamation eye-dropper eye facebook file-empty fire flag2 flare foursquare gift glasses google graph hammer-wrench heart-pulse heart home instagram joystick lamp layers lifebuoy link linkedin list lock magic-wand map-marker map medal-empty menu microscope minus moon mustache-glasses paper-plane paperclip papers pen pencil pie-chart pinterest plus-circle plus power printer pushpin question rain reading receipt recycle reminder sad shield-check smartphone smile soccer spades speed-medium spotlights star-empty star-half star store sun-glasses sun tag telephone thumbs-down thumbs-up tree tumblr twitter tiktok wechat user users wheelchair write yelp youtube

5 Ways Social Media Helps Us Serve You

Social media has become part of the fabric of our lives. But we’re not using social media because it’s a trend… We use it to help us best serve you!

Social Media…

1. Helps Us Be Accessible

Our in-office hours may be limited, but we’re always available via social media.

2. Helps Us Listen To Your Feedback

We appreciate it so much when you help us better serve you by providing us with insights and feedback on how we’re addressing your needs, cares, and concerns.

3. Strengthens Our Relationship With You

You’re so much more to us than a name or a number. Thank you for being our valued patient and friend. We also deeply appreciate when you share our practice with others.

4. Helps Protect Our Health

We carefully select, write and share information that helps empower us to make smart choices about our eye health, habits, and lifestyle.

5. Provides Opportunities To Share An Occasional Light Moment

Life’s too short to not take a moment and smile…

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Thanks For Helping Us Best Serve You

When you participate with us via social media—through your comments, Likes, re-tweets, shares, and feedback it helps us be the best we can be. We’re a “social practice” with purpose. Thank you for being part of it.

We love having you as part of our practice family!

Top image by Flickr user Nicolas Vigier used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.